Source code for
Organize Django settings into multiple files and directories.
Easily override and modify settings. Use wildcards and optional
settings files.
from __future__ import annotations
import glob
import os
import sys
import typing
from importlib.util import module_from_spec, spec_from_file_location
__all__ = ('optional', 'include') # noqa: WPS410
#: Special magic attribute that is sometimes set by `uwsgi` / `gunicorn`.
_INCLUDED_FILE = '__included_file__'
def optional(filename: typing.Optional[str]) -> str:
This function is used for compatibility reasons.
It masks the old `optional` class with the name error.
Now `invalid-name` is removed from `pylint`.
filename: the filename to be optional.
New instance of :class:`_Optional`.
return _Optional(filename or '')
class _Optional(str): # noqa: WPS600
Wrap a file path with this class to mark it as optional.
Optional paths don't raise an :class:`OSError` if file is not found.
def include( # noqa: WPS210, WPS231, C901
*args: str,
scope: dict[str, typing.Any] | None = None,
) -> None:
Used for including Django project settings from multiple files.
*args: File paths (``glob`` - compatible wildcards can be used).
scope: Settings context (``globals()`` or ``None``).
OSError: if a required settings file is not found.
Usage example:
.. code:: python
from import optional, include
scope=globals(), # optional scope
# we are getting globals() from previous frame
# globals - it is caller's globals()
scope = scope or sys._getframe(1).f_globals # noqa: WPS437
scope.setdefault('__included_files__', [])
included_files = scope.get('__included_files__', [])
including_file = scope.get(
conf_path = os.path.dirname(including_file)
for conf_file in args:
if isinstance(conf_file, _Optional) and not conf_file:
continue # skip empty optional values
saved_included_file = scope.get(_INCLUDED_FILE)
pattern = os.path.join(conf_path, conf_file)
# find files per pattern, raise an error if not found
# (unless file is optional)
files_to_include = glob.glob(pattern)
if not files_to_include and not isinstance(conf_file, _Optional):
raise OSError('No such file: {0}'.format(pattern))
for included_file in files_to_include:
included_file = os.path.abspath(included_file) # noqa: WPS440
if included_file in included_files:
scope[_INCLUDED_FILE] = included_file
with open(included_file, 'rb') as to_compile:
compiled_code = compile( # noqa: WPS421, included_file, 'exec',
exec(compiled_code, scope) # noqa: S102, WPS421
# Adds dummy modules to sys.modules to make runserver autoreload
# work with settings components:
rel_path = os.path.relpath(included_file)
module_name = '_split_settings.{0}'.format(
rel_path[:rel_path.rfind('.')].replace('/', '.'),
spec = spec_from_file_location(module_name, included_file)
# This is only needed for mypy:
assert spec is not None # noqa: S101
module = module_from_spec(spec)
sys.modules[module_name] = module
if saved_included_file:
scope[_INCLUDED_FILE] = saved_included_file
elif _INCLUDED_FILE in scope: